For a man who is so
terrified to get onto a flight or even a transport, completion his life
and forlornness by hanging himself was in reality an amazingly gallant
step. What's more, this exceptionally last act by on-screen character
Ranganath has crushed his hovering kids, who have been confronting
mortification since the time that his passing.

In their most
recent meeting to a well known daily paper, Ranganath's senior girl
Neeraja and just child Nagendra opened up about their enthusiastic
connection with their father, how Ranganath was experiencing dejection
and despondency after his wife's demise and the embarrassment they have
been experiencing since his suicide, for abandoning him in his last
Both Neeraja and
Nagendra uncovered that Ranganath constantly wanted to be distant from
everyone else and free and that it was just his wish to live in his home
where his wife inhaled her last. Neeraja and Nagendra said that even
Ranganath used to let them know not to feel terrible in the event that
they needed to find out about his passing in the media and the
accompanying backfire they may confront from the general public for
abandoning him to himself.
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